The North Face is known for its high-quality outdoor gear, and these pants are no exception. They are designed to withstand the rigors of winter sports, but are also stylish enough for everyday wear. Whether you're hitting the slopes or just enjoying a snowy day, the Sally Snow Pants are a great choice.
This UnNew The North Face Women's Sally Snow Pants is in Excellent condition.
Products in Excellent condition have seen minimal use and wear. Any imperfections are purely cosmetic and do not affect the intended performance of the product.
- Material: 100% Polyester
- Insulation: 60g Heatseeker Eco
- Waterproof, breathable, fully seam-sealed
- DryVent 2L shell for durable protection
- Adjustable waist tabs for a secure fit
- Belt loops for added convenience
- Secure-zip hand pockets for small item storage
- Reinforced edge guards for durability
- Boot gaiters with gripper elastic
- Gaiter with gripper elastic and boot hook
- Inner-thigh vents for added breathability
- Standard fit for comfortable wear